
Common Questions About Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Ishani Dash | Oct 29, 2015

Common Questions About Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
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Deep vein thrombosis can be complicated. Our Chicago personal injury lawyers at Power Rogers want to help our clients understand more. Here are some of the common questions people ask regarding DVT.

What is deep vein thrombosis and how serious is it? Most commonly occurring in a muscle in the leg, deep vein thrombosis is essentially a blood clot. It has the possibility to cause blockages to various parts of your body and can be very serious.

How does it occur? There are numerous ways in which DVT can occur. These include prolonged seating as well as after surgery when you are in bed for an extended period of time. It can even occur in women who are taking birth control pills.

Is there a treatment? The most common treatment option is to allow the body to break down the clot while offering various shots or pills that can be taken in order to thin the blood and allow it to flow past the clot and avoid more clots. Thinning the blood can also prevent the current clot from growing larger. If a patient is unable to take blood thinners or the clot is considered large enough to be dangerous, there are drugs that can break down a bigger clot, but it can also cause bleeding that may be difficult to control.

Can it happen again and are there long-term damages? It is common for individuals who suffer from DVT to have another occurrence within a decade of the first instance. This can be caused by some of the same things that caused the first one. While the long-term damages are not serious, there can be symptoms such as swelling or pain where the DVT occurred.

If you have suffered from deep vein thrombosis, act quickly to receive medical attention to avoid problems with the clot.

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