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Death Of The Mother During Labor / Delivery

Death Of The Mother During Labor / Delivery
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Our Chicago Birth Injury Attorneys May Be Able To Help

During delivery, the doctors and hospitals have two patients – the baby and the mother. Doctors and staff should carefully monitor both mother and child to ensure safe labor and healthy individuals. The female body is highly vulnerable before and after childbirth. If not careful, this can lead to harmful injuries and death.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, maternal mortality has increased over the past 20 years. Studies found that in the late 1980s, only 7.2 women died out of 100,000 births. Currently, the number has risen to 17.8 deaths out of every 100,000 births, double the amount. While the reason for the rise in mortality remains unclear, negligence and carelessness can be factors.

Why You Need Qualified Legal Counsel

At Power Rogers, we take birth injury cases very seriously, especially when it includes wrongful death. We believe every mother and child deserves the best care. If a doctor or nurse fails to focus on a mother’s conditions or does not take preventative measures when dealing with adverse medical conditions, they should be held accountable. Our Chicago maternal death lawyers have extensive experience representing the families of victims. If your loved one died while giving birth, you may have grounds for restitution.

We can’t image the pain you are experiencing if you lost a loved one during labor or delivery, but we are here to provide the legal support you deserve. Call us today at 312-210-8411.

Common Reasons For Maternal Death

While every birth injury case is unique, there are common factors that can result in the death of the mother. Prior to the labor, doctors should look for any warning signs that the delivery may be complicated. Conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or obesity can affect childbirth. It is the doctor’s responsibility to be aware of pre-existing conditions and to care for them.

Other conditions that can lead to maternal death include:

  • Preeclampsia – This is when the mother has extremely high blood pressure. Failure to treat preeclampsia can lead to a separation of the placenta, seizures, and HELLP syndrome. This can cause lasting injuries and even death.
  • Antepartum hemorrhage – This is bleeding that occurs before the birth of a child. If not cared for, it can lead to placental abruption, placenta previa, and uterine rupture.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage – Bleeding can occur after childbirth, as well. Usually caused by lacerations or natural causes, postpartum hemorrhages should be treated immediately before too much blood is lost.
  • Post-delivery infections – Because a woman endures high stress during childbirth, she is more susceptible to infections. Doctors and staff must be very careful when handling a delivery. They must use sterilized utensils and properly clean themselves to avoid causing post-delivery infections.
  • Cardiac arrest – Because of the change in blood flow and pressure, a mother might strain her heart during labor. If not regulated, high blood pressure can lead to a cardiac arrest, which can be deadly.

If these conditions are not treated properly, it can lead to the death of the mother. No family should have to suffer that form of emotional pain. That is why legal representation is vital in birth injury cases.

Damages You Can Recover In Maternal Death Cases

When you lose a loved one, especially one who was meant to be a mother, it can be extremely difficult. You may not be able to think clearly. In addition to the grief of losing someone close to you, you will have to handle financial and economic issues that arise when someone passes. By seeking compensation, you can help alleviate some of the burden.

Compensation can help cover:

  • Medical bills
  • Loss of wages of the mother
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of support and companionship

The statute of limitations to file for a wrongful death claim in Chicago is two years. It is important that you seek experienced legal representation to handle your case.

At Power Rogers, our Chicago birth injury attorneys have extensive experience when dealing with maternal death cases. Some of our successes include recovering $23 million for a mother who sustained brain damage in a failure to treat case. We also helped another client gain $21.175 million when a doctor failed to perform a C-section on time. We prepare every case as if it were going to trial. Call today to schedule a free consultation with one of our qualified attorneys.

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